Saturday, July 21, 2012

India Man Arrested for Locking Wife's Private Part with Padlock

An Indian man who is a mechanic by profession has been arrested by the Indian police for locking the private part of his wife of 19years and mother of his five children.
The woman in question attempted suicide last Tuesday 7July 2012 by drinking rat poison but was quickly rushed to the nearest hospital, there doctors discovered a lock around her private parts.
According to NDTV the man admitted to the police that, he drilled holes into his wife private part at home four ago. And that every morning before leaving for his mechanic work he will insert the padlock, lock up his wife and leave home with the key.
When he was asked why he padlock his wife private part, he said he wanted to ensure that unlike other women in his family, his wife would not "betray" him.
The police said the mechanic will soon be charge to court for cruelty and for voluntarily hurting another person.

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