Thursday, January 17, 2013

Instagram photo: Chicago Bishop & his 4year Old Granddaughter In a Bathtub

Entertainment News ---Dear friend, isn’t this photo below inappropriate?  Bishop Larry Trotter, a senior pastor of the Sweet Holy Spirit Church in Chicago, USA posting on his Instagram page this photo of himself and his 4year old granddaughter in a bathtub.

Lots of people went ham on the popular Bishop after the photo was posted online. Many feel it's inappropriate interactions with a minor because they are both topless in the photo. One person wrote.


No man should ever ever ever take a bath with a female in his family or friends. That’s only for a man and his wife! This is totally inappropriate behavior!
The bishop defended himself by saying that while taking a bubble bath, his granddaughter, who was visiting with her parents for the weekend, came in the bathroom and asked him if she could get in the tub. He said yes, and it was the girl's mother who took the photograph. Is it inappropriate?
Instagram photo: Chicago Bishop & his 4year Old Granddaughter In a Bathtub.

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