Saturday, June 30, 2012

Update on N15m Fraud Case: Jim Iyke speaks

Latest news on Jim Iyke’s N15million fraud case-------Some few days ago I posted an article where Jim Iyke, Nollywood actor broke the news that the N15 million case filed against him has been thrown out of court for lack of evidence.

And just a day after,the plaintiff, Hajia Habiba Abubakar fired back that the case was not thrown out of court due to lack of evidence, rather,she withdrew it after the actor apologized to her, and signed an agreement to pay the money in installments until the full amount is realised. However, an online media claimed that Abubakar also made available documents backing her claims.
Update N15m Fraud Case: Jim Iyke speaks.
Nollywood star, Jim Iyke
Speaking from far away Brazil where he is currently attending the Rio +20 gathering, Jim Iyke said “It was God’s intervention. I’m sure even she doesn’t know how it ended like this.”
He said , “the fact that she’s still running around proves it. It was a conspiracy to bury me and take an undeserved equity of my company and I refused and hell broke loose.
“How can it be fraud when I admitted the amount invested? My lawyer advised me to take the deal and walk away when they had nothing else to say. It’s just part of my ventures.
“We settled out of court and I’m a gentleman and apologized for the angry words I spoke. When I’m home, I’m still gonna further hold a press conference and apologize to my family and true fans that saw me through that abyss. Well, this is all I can say for now.”
Meanwhile, reports had it that Jim Iyke and his parents paid a visit to Abubakar’s Abuja home where they pleaded with the woman to tamper justice with mercy. And after listening to Jim’s aging parents, Abubakar was said to have calmed down and made a decision to discontinue the case but not without some conditions.
According to reports, some of the conditions the actor must fulfill before being let off the hook are that he, Jim Iyke, must tender a written public apology to Habiba Abubakar in at least two Nigerian daily papers. And that he, Jim Iyke, must also pay back the N16.5m he collected from Abubakar but this time in installments.

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