The word of God is
immutable and unassailable and He is faithful to keep it to the very end. If I
know nothing else, this I know to be true. I know that scripture cannot be
broken and that whether we live or die tomorrow is in the hands of God alone.
also know that injustice and deceit can never last and that persecution only
fuels dissent. There comes a time in the life of a man when he must be a man
and stand up and speak the truth, even where others are too timid and
intimidated to do so. And he must do this in the knowledge that whatever the
price that he may have to pay, whether it be assassination, arrest, detention,
harassment, persecution, prosecution or utter destruction, he is ready to pay
that price and take the glory and the honour that goes with it.
the grace of God I have today reached that point and I will bare my mind to the
sickly tyrant freely. And after I have had my say I shall gallantly take my
stand and with faith proclaim: let the demons of hell be invoked and conjured
up and let them come forth and do their very worse, for they shall not pass and
neither shall they prevail. For the word of God says “if thou shalt say in
thine heart, these nations are more than I, how can I dispossess them? Thou
shalt not be afraid of them but shall well remember what the Lord thy God did
unto Pharaoh, and unto all of Egypt.
great temptations which thine eyes saw and the signs and the wonders, and the
mighty hand and the stretched out arm, whereby the Lord thy God brought thee
out. So shall the Lord thy God do unto all the people of whom thou art afraid…..
thou shalt not be affrighted at them, for the Lord thy God is among you, a
mighty God and terrible.” And so it shall be as I stand on these holy words and
boldly proclaim, o wicked tyrant, I stand and I fight against you. I stand and
I fight in the name of the Living God. I stand and I fight in the name of
Harrow and Cambridge.
stand and I fight in the name of Kelly and London. I stand and I fight as the
son of my father. I stand and I fight as a proud and strong African. I stand
and I fight as a resilient and irresistible Nigerian. I stand and I fight as a
man of courage. I stand and I fight as a beautiful and irrepressible black man.
I stand and I fight as a man of faith, a Christian who knows that his God is
mighty and can never be defeated. We are what we believe ourselves to be. I am
unbeatable, irrepressible and indestructible. I am a covenant child of the
Living God, a prince of the Faith and a son of the Kingdom. My head may be
bloodied but it is not bowed. I do not know the meaning of fear and I have
learnt to master the affliction of pain. I do not flinch.
stand and I fight with my whole being: with my body, with my spirit and with my
soul. I stand and I fight to win and not to lose. I stand and I fight, tall and
proud and by the power of the God that I serve, I shall always prevail. I stand
and I fight because children of Israel are never alone. I stand and I fight
because all tyrants must be resisted. I stand and I fight because God’s word
says “He shall cut off the spirit of princes” and “He is terrible to the kings
of the earth”. And so to King Ahab the sickly tyrant, I have just this to say:
you can detain me, you can malign me, you can arrest me and you can
misrepresent me.
can persecute me, you can subjugate me, you can lie about me and you can
scatter my household and my loved ones. You can villify me, you can torment me,
you can jeer at me and you can mock me. You can sack my associates, you can
query my loyalists and you can cause my friends to flee the land. U can
humiliate those who stand for me, you can pour scorn on those who love me, you
can threaten those who speak for me and you can bribe those who work for me.
can plan, you can scheme, you can assign and you can direct and delegate
destruction at my doorsteps and at my gates. You can intimidate and torment and
you can use your kingly power to abuse and to destroy. You can make our
destruction your eighth point agenda and you can commission your minions to
ensure that it is perfected. You can do all these things yet ultimately you
will fail because, like all beastly tyrants, you have forgotten the power of
God in all your subterranean wickedness and in all your sinister schemes.
Holding on to power at all costs? That is nothing new, Saul tried it and
failed. Agag tried it and failed. Herod tried it and failed. Pharaoh tried it
and failed. Sennacherub tried it and failed. Athalia tried it and failed.
tried it and failed. Ahab tried it and failed. Haman tried it and failed. Omri
tried it and failed and so did Nero and Caligula and Jezebel and countless
others. For the God that stopped them is still alive and continues to rule in
the affairs of men and He alone forges the destiny of nations. And in all this
know one thing: that you cannot break me, you cannot kill me, you cannot defeat
me and you cannot destroy me.
is because I am anointed for greatness and I am truly blessed by He who sits
above the circles of the earth and by He who created all that is. The lines
have fallen for me in pleasant places and yea I have a goodly heritage. My
future has been established and decreed by the oracles of God. It has been
inscribed in the stars and it has been written in the books of heaven. It
cannot be altered or aborted by you or your invocations and spells and your
wicked ways.
yet perhaps you should know another: that your end has already been decreed by
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob and it is only a
matter of time before it suddenly comes. For my soul stands defiant against
you. I defy you with all my being. My contempt for you is resounding, for you
are nothing but sickness and weakness and failure and deceit and emptiness. You
are nothing but the darkness that seeks the darkness, both you and the
Amalekite foundation from which you come. My God has spoken and on His word I
spirit is lifted and it is filled with joy and strength. I stand and I fight
because my victory is assured. I stand and I fight because I despise the shame.
I stand and I fight because there is a greater tomorrow.. I stand and I fight
because I will never bow before this beastly and deceitful tyrant. I stand and
I fight because like Macbeth I must fight “until the flesh be hacked from my
bones”. I stand and I fight because I am who I am. I stand and I fight because
I am a son of the great “I Am, That I Am”.
stand and I fight because my God is “a man of war”. I stand and I fight because
you cannot kill a man that is already dead. I stand and I fight because I have
a lioness, a daughter of Zion, who proudly stands by my side. I stand and I
fight because the Lord has steeled my body, my spirit and my soul. I stand and
I fight because the fewer the number, the greater the share of honour. I stand
and I fight because King David stood and fought, and Gideon and Joshua and Jehu
that went before him. So let the sickly tyrant rant and rave. Let him do his
very worse.
him, like Nero, play his fiddle whilst Rome burns and let him make merry in his
wickedness and inglorious ways. Let him punish the father of the nation for
giving him power. Let him plot and plan both night and day. Let him invoke
strange spirits, consult the stars, torture, detain, defame, destroy, charge,
frame, kill and maim. Let him bomb and burn and kill his 20 million. Let him
bribe the militants of the Niger-Delta and let him offer them a plagued and
unsustainable amnesty. Let him “cry havoc” and let slip the horrific dogs of
war. Let him break and let him crush the very spirit of the people. Let him
enslave the whole of our nation and cower us all into silence and submission.
Let him enshrine the words “there is none besides me” into the federal
him turn us into cowards and quislings, let him plunge us into darkness and let
him bewitch our feeble souls. Yet in all his treacheries and schemings let him
know one thing, that we are not shaken and neither are we moved. For even if he
were to carve up our flesh and send our dismembered limbs to the four corners
of the kingdom, our God is able to put us back together again and give us life,
even more abundant. And even if he can kill our weak and worldly bodies, he
cannot break our spirits and neither can he take our souls.
if our God can move mountains who and what is he? If our God be for us, what
can he possibly do? Our God’s word says “who is he that sayest a thing and it
cometh to pass when the Lord God of Hosts has commanded it not?” It says “who
is he that lays a charge before God’s elect, is it not Christ that justifies?”
It says “whose report will you believe and to whom has the arm of the Lord been
revealed?” It says “who can separate us from the love of the Lord?” and that
“nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved
us”. We stand and we fight because we are indeed “more than conquerors”.
stand and we fight because tin pot tyrants come and go: they are a dime a
dozen, soon to be forgotten. We stand and we fight because heroes and martyrs,
even if they fall in their course, will always live forever. We stand and we
fight because we serve a mighty God who never fails and who will never leave us
or forsake us. We stand and we fight knowing that the victory is ours. We stand
and we fight for our honour, for our nation, for our women and for our
children. We stand and we fight with courage, strength, defiance and joy
knowing that though weeping may tarry in the night, “joy comes in the morning”.
stand and we fight because His word says “once has it been spoken and twice
have we heard that all power belongs to God and the heavens do rule in the
affairs of men”. We stand and we fight because we have no other choice, for
good will always triumph over evil and light will always overcome the darkness
in the end. We stand and we fight because we fear not death, we fear not the
tyrant and we fear not his gods and idols. We stand and we fight because our
God will always love us and through Him and by Him our salvation is secure. We
stand and we fight because we have been prepared for war.
stand and we fight because the Lord is our defence and the Holy One of Israel
is our king and our God. We stand and we fight because His word boldly asks,
“who is this uncircumcised Phillistine that has chosen to defy the armies of
the Living God?” We stand and we fight because He goes on to affirm that “I
have found David my servant and with my holy oil have I anointed him”. We stand
and we fight because His holy word proclaims “who art thou o mountain before
Zerrubabel? Thou shalt be made a plain”. We stand and we fight because we wax
strong in battle.
stand and we fight because we cannot be defeated. We stand and we fight because
we are not in the hands of men but rather we are under the power of God. We
stand and we fight because He is our shield, He is our glory and the lifter of
our heads. We stand and we fight because He will “pour out His wrath upon the
heathen that have not known Him and upon the kingdoms that have not called upon
His name.” Of this I am sure, that our Lord will make them like a wheel and as
the stubble before the wind. As the fire burneth a wood and as the flame
setteth the mountains on fire, so will He persecute them with His tempest and
make them afraid with His storm. He will fill their faces with shame, that they
may seek His name night and day.
will let them be confounded and troubled forever; yea He will let them be put
to shame and perish that men may know that He, whose name alone is Jehova, is
the most high over all the earth. So let it be and so it is and yet until then,
we stand and we fight, we stand and we fight, we stand and we fight.
Premium Times
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