An 18-year-old female student of a Lagos secondary school, Amaka Egolee, has been arraigned before the Yaba Chief Magistrate’s Court. Lagos State, for allegedly pouring hot water and kerosine on one Morufat Olayinka during a scuffle.
Olayinka was still receiving treatment for burns and other injuries when the matter was brought to court on Wednesday.
It was learnt that the two lived on Olayinka Street in the Ifako-Gbagada area.
The victim was said to be in the habit of returning home late at night and was said to have been reported to her aunt by Egolee.
This made Olayinka angry, which led to a spat between the duo.
The defendant allegedly seized the water she was boiling on the stove and emptied the content on the vicitim.
Before she could be restrained, she had also wet her with the kerosene in a gallon.
A co-tenant, identified as Kayode, reportedly averted the looming tragedy by overpowering the defendant.
She was handed over to the police who arraigned her for assault.
The charge read, “That you, Amaka Egolee on November 10, 2013 at 26, Olaleye Street, Ifako-Gbagada Lagos, in the Lagos Magisterial District, did unlawfully assault one Morufat Olayinka by pouring hot water and kerosine on her body which caused her bodily harm.”
The prosecutor, Inspector Peter Nwangwu, said the offence was punishable under Section 171 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, Nigeria, 2011.
The defendant pleaded not guilty.
The Chief Magistrate, Mrs. M.A Ladipo admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N250,000 with two sureties each in like sum.
The matter was adjourned till January 1, 2014.
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