Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Photo:Muslim Cleric Says He Is Gay

 End times are here  ….The spirit of man-to-man and woman-to-woman, otherwise kwown as Gay is catching up with those who have made themselves available for it and this Muslim Cleric, Imam Daayiee Abdulah, is one of such.
Many Muslims in the US where he now has a Mosque are not happy with him but the Imam is not disturbed by the fact that some of his brethren are complaining about his open confession. Below is what he said:

"Being an openly gay imam and having been identified as such, I do get a lot of feedback and also kickback, but that's OK. I think that when people are unfamiliar with things, they tend to have an emotional knee-jerk reaction to it. Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention. And because of the necessity in our community, that's why I came into this particular role."
Meanwhile, some Muslims who are confirmed Gays are trooping to Imam Daayiee Abdulah's mosque daily.


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