Friday, December 20, 2013

Shocking: How Drunken Policeman Shot Me In The Leg – FRSC Official

An official of the Federal Road Safety Corps, Mangshin Mundi, who was shot three times in his left leg by a member of Abuja Crimes Control Squad 44 last Friday, said the errant policeman acted under the influence of alcohol.

The injured officer, who is being treated at the General Hospital, Wuse, Abuja told PUNCH Metro that an x-ray indicated that three bullets were lodged in his leg, adding that the medical doctor, who examined him, said the objects would be removed later.
Mundi, whose leg was heavily bandaged, said he and his boss were on their way to resolve an altercation between some policemen and a FRSC team when he was shot.
According to him, some policemen, led by the Divisional Police Officer in charge of Wuse Police Station, CSP Joshua Bayuk, had ordered an FRSC patrol team to leave their duty post around the Churchgate, Central Area because they were not part of the security team deployed for the President’s movement.
The road safety officers were said to have resisted, leading to the seizure of their vehicle by the DPO, who asked his men to take the vehicle away to his station. The FRSC team had reported the incident to the FCT Sector Commander, Kayode Fanola, who directed the head of operations, Ayuba Wobi, to resolve the issue.
Mundi said, “My boss, Wobi, and I were going to the scene, but on our way, we met the policemen in two vehicles with our seized patrol van at Area 3 junction, Wuse and we talked with them. There was an argument and somebody said one of the policemen, who was drunk, shouldn’t be handling a gun. The SARS men started shooting in the air thereafter.
“We all ran and suddenly I felt that my leg was heavy, when I looked, I saw that I had been hit by bullets and I was rushed to the hospital. I believe it was the drunken policeman that shot me because his colleagues were firing one bullet at a time, but his own gun was firing non-stop and I was hit.”
Fanola explained that the FRSC had been having problems with the police since the current FCT Commissioner of Police, Femi Ogunbayode took over.
He said, “I have met the CP several times and discussed with him, I have also spoken with him on phone, but policemen have continued to harass FRSC personnel, saying they should not carry out patrol duties within Abuja. The DPO injured one of my men in the head with gun butt before they shot another one. I have filed a report to my headquarters and we plan to take the matter up with higher authorities.”
The FCT Police Public Relations Officer, Altienne Daniel, could not be reached for comments as calls to her phone rang out, while a text message was not replied.


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