Friday, January 3, 2014

Tragedy: Bride Dies In Car Crash While Leaving Wedding Reception With Groom

A woman's wedding day turned into a tragic occasion when she died just a few hours after getting married to her groom.
25-year-old Kali Dobson reportedly died a few hours after her wedding when her new husband Ryan Quinton, veered the Pontiac Firebird he was driving off the road and rolled down an embankment Sunday evening.
Dobson was thrown out of the car, and ended up trapped when it came to rest on top of her.
It was revealed that 27-year-old Quinton said the accident happened when he swerved to avoid hitting a dog in the road.
After the accident, he tried to wave down help by the side of the road, according to Chris Thomas, who was the first person to pull over and help.
"His shirt was all torn up and he was bleeding. He had blood all over his face and blood coming out of his hands and stuff and just looked bad. And it scared me to death," Thomas said. "There was nothing that could be done. The car was on top of her. You couldn't even see her."
The accident is under investigation but charges may be filed against Quinton, if the results of a blood test determine alcohol was a factor.

Huffington Post

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