Monday, February 10, 2014

US Hospital Patient Attacks Nurse, Almost Kill Her

US - A 69-year-old nurse, Evelyn Lynch at Brooklyn's Brookdale Hospital was beaten to the point of unconsciousness on Friday by a patient after she went to remove his catheter inside his private room.

 The incident which took place at about 4:30pm left the nurse with fractures to the face, hemorrhaging and chest contusions as a and she is said to be battling for her life.

Police say the 40-year-old patient, Kwincii Jones was about to leave the hospital Friday afternoon when he became agitated, struck the nurse on the head and knocked her to the floor. She was unconscious as he kicked her about the face and head, causing serious injuries.
A fellow nurse who must have heard the commotion called for help which arrived swiftly. The nurse was rushed to Kings County Hospital Center where she later underwent brain surgery and is on a long road to recovery.
Kwiinci was said to have locked himself in a bathroom where he was held by security until police officers arrived and taken to 67th Precinct police station on Saturday where he now faces second-degree assault and attempted murder charges.

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