Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program 2019 (Up to 60 million Yen) - APPLY

Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program 2019 (Up to 60 million Yen) - APPLY

Applications are now open for the Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program 2019. The Toyota Foundation Research Grant supports ambitious projects that adopt a panoramic view of the world and look generations into the future in order to seek new values for society by fundamentally exploring novel philosophies and arts to address difficult issues to be faced by future society; issues that are on a global scale; issues that transcend generations; and also, nascent problems that will only fully manifest themselves in the future.
The main topic of Toyota Foundation Research Grant Program 2019, titled “Exploring New Values for Society”, supports ambitious projects that adopt a panoramic view of the world and look generations into the future in order to seek new values for society by fundamentally exploring novel philosophies and arts to address difficult issues to be faced by future society; issues that are on a global scale; issues that transcend generations; and nascent problems that will only fully manifest themselves in the future.


  • The total grant amount is 60 million yen. Grant amount per project is up to 8 million Yen (up to 1.5 million Yen/project for project teams of two persons or less).


  • Project teams of three persons or more are eligible for the grant. (Proposals by teams of two persons or less shall be accepted in cases where it is difficult to organize a team of three persons due to reasons such as the novelty of the social issues targeted by the project.)
  • Project representatives must be 45 years old or under on the day of the beginning of the grant
  • All nationalities may apply, but project representative must have a residence (contact address) in Japan
  • Likewise, no restrictions are on proposals with regard to the areas of research or the methods employed; nor is there any limitation with regard to the nationality of the project representative or participants, or their affiliation (or lack thereof) with a university, research institute, NPO/NGO, or other organization

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