Tens of millions of black Africans were forcibly removed from their
homelands from the 16th century to the 19th century to toil on the
plantations and farms of the New World. This so-called “Middle Passage”
accounted for one of the greatest forced migrations of people in human
history, as well as one of the greatest tragedies the world has ever
Millions of these helpless Africans washed ashore in Brazil --
indeed, in the present-day, roughly one-half of the Brazilian population
trace their lineage directly to Africa. African culture has imbued
Brazil permanently and profoundly, in terms of music, dance, food and in
many other tangible ways.
But what about Brazil's neighbor, Argentina? Hundreds of thousands of
Africans were brought there as well – yet, the black presence in
Argentina has virtually vanished from the country’s records and
According to historical accounts, Africans first arrived in Argentina
in the late 16th century in the region now called the Rio de la Plata,
which includes Buenos Aires, primarily to work in agriculture and as
domestic servants. By the late 18th century and early 19th century,
black Africans were numerous in parts of Argentina, accounting for up to
half the population in some provinces, including Santiago del Estero,
Catamarca, Salta and Córdoba.
In Buenos Aires, neighborhoods like Monserrat and San Telmo housed
many black slaves, some of whom were engaged in craft-making for their
masters. Indeed, blacks accounted for an estimated one-third of the
city’s population, according to surveys taken in the early 1800s.
Slavery was officially abolished in 1813, but the practice remained
in place until about 1853. Ironically, at about this time, the black
population of Argentina began to plunge.
Historians generally attribute two major factors to this sudden “mass
disappearance” of black Africans from the country – the deadly war
against Paraguay from 1865-1870 (in which thousands of blacks fought on
the frontlines for the Argentine military) as well as various other
wars; and the onset of yellow fever in Buenos Aires in 1871.
The heavy casualties suffered by black Argentines in military combat
created a huge gender gap among the African population – a circumstance
that appears to have led black women to mate with whites, further
diluting the black population. Many other black Argentines fled to
neighboring Brazil and Uruguay, which were viewed as somewhat more
hospitable to them.
Others claim something more nefarious at work.
It has been alleged that the president of Argentina from 1868 to
1874, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, sought to wipe out blacks from the
country in a policy of covert genocide through extremely repressive
policies (including possibly the forced recruitment of Africans into the
army and by forcing blacks to remain in neighborhoods where disease
would decimate them in the absence of adequate health care).
Tellingly, Sarmiento wrote in his diary in 1848: “In the United
States… 4 million are black, and within 20 years will be 8 [million]….
What is [to be] done with such blacks, hated by the white race? Slavery
is a parasite that the vegetation of English colonization has left
attached to leafy tree of freedom.”
By 1895, there were reportedly so few blacks left in Argentina that
the government did not even bother registering African-descended people
in the national census.
The CIA World Factbook currently notes that Argentina is 97 percent
white (primarily comprising people descended from Spanish and Italian
immigrants), thereby making it the “whitest” nation in Latin America.
But blacks did not really vanish from Argentina – despite attempts by
the government to eliminate them (partially by encouraging large-scale
immigration in the late 19th and 20th century from Europe and the Near
East). Rather, they remain a hidden and forgotten part of Argentine
Hisham Aidi, a lecturer at Columbia University's School of
International and Public Affairs, wrote on Planete Afrique that in the
1950s, when the black American entertainer Josephine Baker arrived in
Argentina, she asked the mixed-race minister of public health, Ramon
Carilio: “Where are the Negroes?” In response, Carilio joked: “There are
only two -- you and I.”
As in virtually all Latin American societies where blacks mixed with
whites and with local Indians, the question of race is extremely complex
and contentious.
“People of mixed ancestry are often not considered ‘black’ in
Argentina, historically, because having black ancestry was not
considered proper,” said Alejandro Frigerio, an anthropologist at the
Universidad Catolica de Buenos Aires, according to Planete Afrique.
“Today the term ‘negro’ is used loosely on anyone with slightly
darker skin, but they can be descendants of indigenous Indians [or]
Middle Eastern immigrants.”
AfricaVive, a black empowerment group founded in Buenos Aires in the
late 1990s, claimed that there are 1 million Argentines of black African
descent in the country (out of a total population of about 41 million).
A report in the Washington Post even suggested that 10 percent of
Buenos Aires’ population may have African blood (even if they are
classified as “whites” by the census).
"People for years have accepted the idea that there are no black
people in Argentina," Miriam Gomes, a professor of literature at the
University of Buenos Aires, who is part black herself, told the Post.
"Even the schoolbooks here accepted this as a fact. But where did that leave me?"
She also explained that almost no one in Argentina with black blood in their veins will admit to it.
"Without a doubt, racial prejudice is great in this society, and
people want to believe that they are white," she said. "Here, if someone
has one drop of white blood, they call themselves white."
Gomes also told the San Francisco Chronicle that after many decades
of white immigration into Argentina, people with African blood have been
able to blend in and conceal their origins.
"Argentina's history books have been partly responsible for
misinformation regarding Africans in Argentine society," she said.
"Argentines say there are no blacks here. If you're looking for
traditional African people with very black skin, you won't find it.
African people in Argentina are of mixed heritage."
Ironically, Argentina’s most famous cultural gift to the world – the tango – came from the African influence.
"The first paintings of people dancing the tango are of people of African descent," Gomes added.
On a broader scale, the “elimination” of blacks from the country’s
history and consciousness reflected the long-cherished desire of
successive Argentine governments to imagine the country as an
“all-white” extension of Western Europe in Latin America.
“There is a silence about the participation of Afro-Argentines in the
history and building of Argentina, a silence about the enslavement and
poverty,” said Paula Brufman, an Argentine law student and researcher,
according to Planete Afrique.
“The denial and disdain for the Afro community shows the racism of an elite that sees Africans as undeveloped and uncivilized.”-Source
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